Palm springs gay pride logo

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Our gender identity, race, religion, nationality, health status, and appearance are embraced, celebrated, and welcome at Palm Springs Pride. “You Are Included” is more than a theme for Pride 2021 it proclaims all are seen and loved. Embrace diversity and advance the cause of individual freedom for all. Gather your friends, and together let’s celebrate our fearlessly authentic lives. In 2019, Pride Week attracted an estimated 140,000 attendees and generated a $28 million direct spending economic impact for area hotels, shops, restaurants, and other local businesses.Įnjoy Pride in Palm Springs as you Sip, Sashay, Celebrate and Honor those who have courageously fought for equality and are no longer with us. Providing a space for the community to gather after the stress, uncertainty, and isolation of the pandemic is expected to attract record attendance to Palm Springs. The announcement, coming as the COVID-19 crisis subsides, sets the stage for California’s only large-scale, in-person Pride event to move forward in 2021.

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The Pride parade and festival featuring multiple stages of live entertainment and a vendor marketplace will return to downtown Palm Springs. Palm Springs Pride organizers announced a traditional slate of in-person Pride events for the 35th annual LGBTQ celebration scheduled for November 1 – 7, 2021.

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